Revenue Assurance
BSL Installation
Data Migration
Impact Assessments
Technical Assurance

Frequently Asked Questions

What billing systems do your consultants have experience of?

We have extremely strong experience of RBM from NetCracker (formerly known as Geneva and Infinys) and some theoretical and limited practical knowledge of the following:

All of these use Oracle databases and run on Unix/Linux. All of our consultants have good experience of this.

Will you accept short-term assignments?

Yes, anything from a day upwards. For example, we have helped a client put together an urgent RFP, and reviewed it prior to submission.

Will you accept part-term assignments?

Yes, most of our consultancy is providing expert services at critical points in a project or being on-call to deal with operational issues. The latter obviously requires the ability to work remotely.

What happens when you have no current projects?

Actually that has never happened, yet. However, spare days between being on-site or working remotely are profitably spent on research (e.g. keeping up-to-date knowledge of RBM) and developing our own tools and documentation.

What countries will you work in?

Anywhere in the European Economic Area (since Brexit a work permit may be required to be on-site full time) and, subject to work permit restrictions, the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Naturally we are able to work remotely.

All of our consultants speak excellent English.

Who do you provide as consultants?

All consultants have worked at NetCracker (when it was Convergys) or on-site with the founding director of the company. Billing Specialists will only provide consultants with strong experience and good skills.

We are not an agency and we do not provide anyone that we have not worked with before. Because of our commitment to quality the pool of available talent of small and we cannot provide more than four people for any project.

Do you work through agencies?

Yes, if that is what the client prefers, or if an agency conducts us. However, we will also contract directly with the client, and that is usually the case with repeat business.

What are your business terms when providing services directly to the client?

We will quote for work on either a Fixed-Price or Time and Materials basis, billing in either Sterling (GBP) or Euro (EUR) depending on the client's preference. We use our Irish sister company for countries that use the Euro. Our payment terms are 30 days.

Do you provide non-billing consultancy?

Yes. We offer technical assurance (for example, assuring software from a supplier or environmental changes by a hosting provider) and software development (Unix, Oracle, C, Pro*C, Java, Perl, PHP). We have provided these services for Telcos, the banking sector and UK central government.

We have also developed simple web-sites for small clients, but generally offer this only as a fill-in service when our consultants are free.

Can I send you mv CV?

No, please don't bother. We are not looking to grow. We have a strict rule that we do not use anyone whom we have not worked with previously at Geneva Technology/Convergys. The pool of highly-skilled experts in this field is very small and we win business based on the quality of our services. We rely 100% on personal experience for anyone we provide.

How long has Billing Specialists existed?

Since 2007, when Billing Specialists Ltd was created. However, in October 2022, we relocated to Scotland, and created a successor company, Billing Specialists (Edinburgh) Ltd, which took over everything. Our reputation is good and we have had no shortage of clients, and most of our clients have bought more services from us.

Hosted by TSO Host cPanel. Last updated: 26th October 2022